Thingworx SQUEAL (Search Engine)

admin Applications, Design, UX, Web Development

One of the trio of original Thingworx products that solidified us as the leader in the IoT space. SQUEAL stands for Search Query and Analysis and was a search engine for finding information, patterns, and trends to make informed decisions about your IoT business. This product was a challenging problem to attack and scale properly so that it could handle …

Thingworx Composer

admin Applications, Design, UX, Web Development

Thingworx Composer is made up of two products that were eventually merged into one. The Composer is a modeling environment for the platform server and the Mashup Builder is the code-less application builder. Thingworx’s core proposition is that you are able to build web applications 10x faster in the IoT industry. We provided the tools for developers and business analysts …

Thingworx Mobile App Builder

admin Applications, Design, Mobile, UX, Web Development

Thingworx Mobile App Builder is the latest iteration in bringing 10x speed improvements to application building. This product is designed to do drag-drop building of mobile applications that deploy cross platform and are of the speed and performance that people have come to expect from mobile specific apps. Heavy hitter features like push notifications, offline access, device support (camera, gps, …